O Mais Longo dos Dias, filme de 1962 sobre a invasão dos Aliados na Normandia. Eu nem tinha idéia da quantidade de gente que tava no filme, como o Sean Connery (Private Flanagan) - o Bond, James Bond -, John Wayne (sem western), Paul Anka, etc.
Gostei, apesar de o Stephen Ambrose, historiador especialista em Dwight Eisenhower e em segunda guerra e cujos livros inspiraram o Band of Brothers (ai, esta página da BBC tb tá show sobre o Band), achar pontos bem mais realistas em Saving Private Ryan (que eu nunca vi até o fim). E o Ambrose ainda diz que Spielberg nunca teria feito este último filme se não fosse a guerra do Vietnan (já viram Platoon - do Oliver Stone -?). Enfim, o que o Ambrose disse, tá no comment aqui, q este post já tá enorme...
Bueno, só pra terminar, pra quem gosta do assunto, eu comecei a ler o Mais Longo dos Dias. É baratinho.
Há 2 dias
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"I knew it was about D-Day and I knew they used my book to get incidents and scenes and happenings. Like everybody else, my idea of a war movie was Darryl F. Zanuck's The Longest Day. This is not The Longest Day." Mr. Ambrose says he'd watched that 1962 epic many times, with a star-studded cast that included Robert Mitchum, Henry Fonda and Mr. Zanuck's girlfriend at the time, Irinia Demich, as a Resistance member. But, Mr. Ambrose says, he saw The Longest Day with new eyes after Saving Private Ryan. "Things just leaped out at me that I hadn't thought about before. For example, there's almost no battle noise in The Longest Day. What little there is fades out for the dialogue. You don't want to miss a word of what John Wayne's got to say. In Private Ryan, you have to lean forward to hear what they're saying - and you lose a lot of it." Also, he says, when a soldier got shot in The Longest Day, he was dead. "The CO writes home to the widow or the mother that he never knew what hit him. He didn't suffer. Well, it didn't happen like that. Only in 1 percent of the cases did you get shot between the eyes or directly in the heart." Most of the time, he says, soldiers under fire knew what hit them. "They knew their guts were coming out of their stomach and they were trying to stuff them back in. They cried out for mother, water, cigarettes and morphine. You don't ever see that in Zanuck." Another sight never seen in Longest Day is GIs shooting Germans coming out of dugouts with their hands up. "That happened a lot. It's hard to imagine American kids doing that until you talk to them and ask how they could have done it." But the veterans he interviewed for his books didn't mince words. "They said, 'Listen, that (expletive) was firing until he ran out of ammunition and he hit my buddy. Now he's out of ammunition and he throws his rifle down and comes out and wants to be my comrade. Screw that!' You see that in Spielberg's movie." Some of the difference between the two films is due to their timing, he says. "Before Vietnam, Spielberg could not have made Private Ryan. The public wouldn't have accepted it, wouldn't have allowed it. Being after instead of before Vietnam gave him a lot of room that Zanuck didn't have."
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